Five years ago i purchased Julie Powell's book "Julie & Julia - 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen" and it was a great read. The book has more detail of Julie's and Julia's life then the recent movie "Julie & Julia" which was based on the book and both true stories of Julia Child and Julie Powell. My mum took me to see the movie when it came out in 2009 and i love it and could relate to many scenes. My sister gave me Julie & Julia DVD for my birthday so on Friday night after a busy week it set the scene for the weekend ahead and i watched this great inspiring food focused feel-good movie. I got up early Saturday morning and did my usual housework and then made a weekly menu and shopping list and then it was to the shops and back home to cook most of the bases towards my weekly meals which i then keep in fridge and it only takes minutes of a evening to put together good quality, nutritious, flavoursome dinners, all of this accompanied by a martini.
Mich xx
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