On a recent hunt to find "Wild Edible Greens" for juicing i found it extremely difficult to find any in Sydney. When i phoned various health food stores and produce centres people questioned my asking for such things as Kale and Dandelion leaves ??? i was beginning to wonder what i had gotten myself into, surely it can't be that hard to find locally farmed wild edible greens ?
After a few days of Internet surfing and phone calling, i found a local supplier called "Alfalfa House", at last i found a store that spoke my language.
As stated on their website; www.alfalfahouse.org
"Alfalfa House is a not-for-profit cooperative that aims to provide, where possible, minimally packaged and minimally processed, affordable, wholesome, organic food to its members."
What a wonderful store to have so close and to know that it exists. If you have some free time it is worth checking out the website and visting the store.
So, Thank you Alfalfa House for having a place for like minded people to go and shop!
I am so happy to know you are here!
Can anyone share with me a time that they have tried to look everywhere for a particular ingredient and have not been able to find it ???
Happy Juicing and Eat Well !
Mich x
Text Copyright Michelle Thrift 2010
One of my fav juices is, of course organic, but wait for it! Beetroot, carrot, ginger, a whole lemon and purple endive from my veggie garden. A complete liver cleanse all in one glass and I feel unbelievable afterwards.