Hi Everyone, i received a lot of enquiries for the sweets recipe i mentioned in my blog yesterday; so here it is;
Chocolate Almond Sweets
(pictured above)
Makes about 8-12 squares
2 x 45g sugar-free dark chocolate bars, melted
1 cup organic roasted almonds or cashews
2 x 45g sugar-free dark chocolate bars, melted
1 cup organic roasted almonds or cashews
1/2 cup organic sultanas (optional)
Mix together melted chocolate, nuts and sultanas until well coated and combined. Pour onto a greaseproof paper lined tray and spread slightly. Chill in fridge until set. Cut into squares and keep in fridge until ready to serve. Enjoy!
Happy Cooking!
Mich xx
P.S. Also received request for the Chocolate Coated Prunes. I don't have a picture of this one but here is the recipe - enjoy!
Chocolate Coated Prunes
Makes 12-15
1 x 45g sugar-free dark chocolate, melted
1 x 45g sugar-free dark chocolate, melted
12-15 whole organic pitted prunes
1 wooden skewer
Spike prune using a wooden skewer as a handle to dip in chocolate, swirl to coat, place on a greaseproof paper lined tray, repeat process until all prunes are coated. Chill in fridge until set. Keep in fridge until ready to serve.
recipes, photography and text copyright michelle 09
I must admit that Mich served these up after dinner last night and my goodness - I just love them! Very festive but also perfect for that little sweet treat after dinner. 10/10 and on the repeat list! PS these should come with a warning about addictions....... ;)