For the past few weeks i have suffering from a bad cold/flu which has developed into a nasty cough and after speaking with Emma over the weekend she mentioned to me to not forget to eat shiitake mushrooms known as the "medicinal mushroom", taken as a remedy for upper respiratory diseases, poor blood circulation, liver trouble, exhaustion and weakness and to boost life energy. She also reminded me about miso as it is high in protein and rich in vitamins and minerals.
So, therefore, i developed a yummy healing recipe; Take a look;
Base Soup Healing recipe
6 shiitake mushrooms, sliced
20g miso
1/2 cup vegetable stock
In a small pan, heat stock, add mushrooms and miso and bring to boil and cook 1-2 minutes until mushrooms are just tender. Spoon into a bowl and eat immediately.
Alternative: Add 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil to pan and add mushrooms, stock, miso, 1 chopped red chilli, 1 shallot finely sliced, bring to boil and cook 1-2 minutes until mushrooms are just tender. Spoon into a bowl and eat immediately.