
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Winter Flu Fighter Juice

I had a really bad cold a couple of weeks ago. Emma e-mailed me her juice recipe which is an absolute winter winner and recommends having it 3-4 times a week throughout winter. Emma say's all you do is grab 1 small beetroot, 4 carrots, 1 inch of fresh ginger, 1 clove of garlic and 1 whole lemon. Get yourself a mighty fine juicer and juice in the following order: First carrot, garlic, ginger, beetroot, 3 carrots then lemon and it really is best if you can use organic ingredients as they are far more nutritionally dense. Add to a big glass with a few ice cubes and you will be feeling amazing and germ free!

Happy Juicing and get well this Winter everyone!
emma and michelle xx

Words emma and michelle copyright 2010. picture by

Saturday, June 19, 2010

In our 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and all Fun and Fabulous

OK some food for thought; maybe a little cliche especially after blogging about a way to man's heart cook book but a question for all the single ladies, where do you look these days for love ? Do you hit the bars, go on-line social networking sites, grocery store, friend network, social clubs or activities; maybe a cooking class ?? What are today's savvy woman doing to attract themselves a date ?? If we have careers, friends and good family support, what are we doing about getting out and about and start dating! What are you doing to ensure that you have a work/life balance? Enjoy your life!

Mich xx

Words and Picture by Michelle Thrift copyright 2010

The way to a man's heart

OK i will admit that i have a fetish for second hand cook books and recently i was at a Antique Fair which is another passion of mine collecting "Shelley" art. Anyway, on my travels around the fair floor i discovered a seller with his mothers cook books and i couldn't resist but take one called "The way to a mans heart, The Settlement Cook Book" complied by Mrs. Simon Kander, printed in USA, 1940 and copyright The Settlement Cook book Co. Tested recipes from the Settlement Cooking Classes, The Milwaukee Public School Kitchens, The School of Trades for Girls and Experienced Housewives. In my opinion this book is completely practical with loads of helpful preparation tips and cooking techniques. I've enjoyed the past few weeks simply flicking through the pages and reading about how things were once done. In this particular book the seller's mother has circled her favourite recipes and made notes alongside a few which has given me insight into what this family was eating and what recipes worked. It has been used thoroughly and loved as i am noticing lots of food markings on the pages. As i left the seller's stand he said to me "i hope you enjoy this book and get many years out of it" and i said to him "Thank you and i'll let you know that you have given this book to a good home".

Happy Cooking! Mich

Words and Picture by Michelle Thrift copyright 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lemon Slice

If you've got the girls coming round for morning tea and you have a spare hour the day before, try whipping up a batch of my simply scrumptious Lemon Slice using organic ingredients where ever possible to gain more flavour and taste.

Lemon Slice

Makes 16 slices


1 cup plain flour

1/4 cup icing sugar, sifted

75g butter, chopped

pinch salt


2 x 60g eggs

1 cup caster sugar

2 Tablespoons plain flour

Zest and juice 1 lemon

1 teaspoon baking powder


300g sour cream

1 cup icing sugar mixture, sifted

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Make Base - Combine flour, sugar, butter and salt into a food processor. Process until mixture forms a ball. Press pastry into a lined 22cm square slice tin with baking paper. Bake at 175ºC for 15 minutes until lightly browned.

2. Make Filling - In a mixing bowl whisk together eggs, sugar, flour, lemon zest and juice and baking powder until well combined. Pour over hot pastry crust and bake for 15 minutes or until set and slightly browned.

3. Make Topping - In a mixing bowl whisk together sour cream, sugar and vanilla until smooth. Spread evenly over hot filling and bake for 10 minutes or until topping is set. Cool on a wire rack for approximately 30 minutes and refrigerate overnight before cutting into equal squares.

Enjoy !

Recipe, words and picture by Michelle Thrift copyright 2010.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cauliflower Fritters

OK - Winter has definitely hit town and i am sitting at my desk blogging with the heater and oven on to keep the room warm. ....Cold weather inspires me to cook healthy comforting foods and on Sunday night i whipped up these yummy fritters which really satisfied me. Try them next time your looking for that something special!

Cauliflower Fritters
Serves 2
2 cups cooked cauliflower, mashed and cooled
1/2 cup plain flour
20g goats cheese
1 x 60g egg
2 Tablespoons chopped herbs (optional)
1 garlic clove, peeled and infused in 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon baby capers
Handful baby salad greens
3 Tablespoons oil (olive or rice bran), for frying

1. In a bowl mix together cauliflower, flour, cheese, egg and herbs until well combined.
2. Heat oil in frypan over medium heat and drop spoonfuls of mixture into hot oil and cook for
1-2 minute each side until well browned and heated through centre. Remove and drain on paper towels.
3. Serve fritters warm drizzled with garlic oil and capers and a side of fresh greens.



Words, recipe and photo by Michelle Thrift copyright 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Importance of Organic Food for Children - Study released

I have always passionately believed in the importance of eating organic food. Children have smaller and less mature livers than us and so chemicals have a greater impact on them. I have long been advising parents to remove pesticides from their children's diets but having solid research to emphasise this is great. Please be aware that the link between pesticides and behavioural disorders is now compelling!

A Harvard based study recently published in Pediatrics demonstrates a link between Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and organophosphate pesticides. The researchers found a strong correlation between the level of pesticides detected in the urine of children and the condition known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Those children with more pesticide exposure were more likely to have ADHD. The researchers concluded: "These findings support the hypothesis that organophosphate exposure, at levels common among US children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence. Prospective studies are needed to establish whether this association is causal."

For the most commonly detected pesticide chemical, dimethylthiophosphate, children with levels higher than the median of detectable concentrations had double the odds of ADHD compared with those with non-detectable levels."

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) "... is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity (over-activity)," says the National Institute of Mental Health. The Center for Disease Control said 3% to 7% of school-aged children in the United States had ADHD in 2003, with 2.5 million children medicated for the condition.

Exposure, says the Center for Disease Control, does not have to be direct. Eating foods that have organophosphates sprayed on them can contribute to effects on an individuals' health.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Winter Colds and Flus

Well, I can't believe it but I have a revolting cold! A head filled with congestion, razor blade throat, a nasty cough and I feel miserable. I do find that more clients succumb to infections at the change of season than in winter itself. So I have made a huge batch of my immune boosting soup and wanted to share my recipe with you. Of course this soup is best when totally organic as the nutrient value will be much higher.

Ok so first let me explain why these ingredients are so wonderful for you:

Chicken - perfect protein to support your production of disease fighting immune molecules
Onion - helps to break down mucous
Garlic - a natural antibiotic
Ginger - stimulates circulation enabling more efficient clearing of toxins
Chilli - high in vitamin C
Enoki mushrooms - has properties that are anti cancer so can help fight any nasty bugs
Risoni - a great carbohydrate source for energy
Lemon - uplifts mood
Parsley - high in iron which stimulates immunity
Goji berries - traditionally used in China in convalescence, specifically in broths

Ingredients (use your inutition on quantities)
Chicken thighs
Chicken stock ( I always have some pre made in the freezer)
Garlic - lots
Ginger - lots
Chilli - lots
Enoki mushrooms
Lemon zest and juice
Goji berries

Saute onions, garlic, chilli, ginger until soft. Add chicken thighs and brown them. Pour in your stock and simmer. Once chicken is cooked take it out and shred with a fork. Add chicken back in with risoni, Goji berries and enoki mushrooms. To serve, place lemon zest on the bottom of your bowl. Add soup and top off with lemon juice and parsley.

I have eaten nothing but this soup for the last 36 hours and have woken up this morning feeling so much better. I can actually breathe through my nose and my headache has gone. So, the next time you feel a nasty cold coming on remember this easy recipe and start cooking!
